Today We will create random data to csv file like this
- python3
first, make sure you use python3, when you have checked your python version then, you have to install faker
pip install Faker
create and insert the following code.
open terminal and run command to execute the file
python 10
open random-person.csv, you will see these output
now, I will explain the python code
on line 5: fake = Faker()
use faker to generate random data
on line 6: number_of_records = int(sys.argv[1])
read argument value from “python 10" we get value 10 on this line
on line 8: with open(‘random-person.csv’, mode=’w’) as file:
open csv file with write mode
on line 9: file_writer = file_writer = csv.writer(file)
define csv operator
on line 11: file_writer.writerow([‘first_name’, ‘last_name’, ‘age’])
write header
on line 14: file_writer.writerow([fake.first_name(), fake.last_name(), fake.numerify(“@#”)])
write generate data (you can see list data can fake on standard provider)
fake number by the following
@ : are replaced with a random non-zero digit or an empty string
# : are replaced with a random digit (0 to 9)